
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Last Month of Advanced Diploma Course!!

And it has finally arrived!! By sheer blundering and what not (not to mention the great help I received from my classmates) I have finally arrived at the last month of this course. This course has given me great grief and anguish but it also let me meet some of the best people I've known.

I just hope that I pass all my papers (still waiting on the results of two papers).

I probably won't be able to attend my examinations at UniSim AGAIN. This is getting so irritating. My lecturer asked me how much this all cost so I told her about 1 to 2 k each module, with 4 modules being about $6 to 8k. I wish I could keep that money in my pocket. I could go travel to so many places.

After this course, I plan to take a vacation. For now the plan is Beijing. Had some hiccups with my leave (was expected to take only two weeks cos it clashed with someone else's leave and also within that two weeks I was further expected to go back to take over a department. Lame.) but that seems to have been resolved now, so I can happily plan my vacation! As much as people think that going on studies is a break from work, it's not exactly a holiday. It's been some time since I last had tonnes of deadlines bearing down on me.

I would actually have preferred to defer my vacation until I completed my isotretinoin course, but as it is, it is safer to take the vacation now as one never knows when one can next take a break. If I have to take the same modules for a third semester, I think I might apply to defer my UniSim studies for one semester. Just getting a bit sick of the same old thing.

Ah, I should just go to bed now cos I'm starting to feel hungry and that's not good.

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