
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

IM 2 x 2

I have just bought tickets for 2 movies this weekend. It's Ip Man 2 and Iron Man 2. Cute isn't it? IM 2 x 2.

After the movies, I will be attending 'Fantasy comes Alive!' at NUS Cultural Centre. I better check out the driving directions.... can't be having my friend getting lost on the way there!!

On another note, my mum didn't scream bloody blue murder today when I mentioned getting a Class 2B licence lol. I wonder if it's cos she has grudgingly accepted the fact that it's cheaper and I might really need it if I get accepted to SIM, or she forgot what Class 2B is.....

Oh well! Let's not spoil the party shall we??

2 Adorations
So how was the Ip Man 2?

I know the review for Iron Man 2 is good... probably catch it next weekend...

Surprising your mum didn't scream at you for the class 2B license. Most parents are against their kids getting class 2 licenses due to the safety reason. but I guess your mum has confidence in you not to speed and that you'd take proper precaution to have a safe ride.

I thought that Ip Man 2 was better than Iron Man 2. However, I have not watched Ip Man whereas I have watched Iron Man. That might possibly have skewed viewpoints a bit.

I feel that Ip Man is a more emotional show. That may have been why it seemed better.

Oh my mum hates me getting 2B. Believe me.
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