
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Let the Flame Burn Bright and Cheery

Since the Olympic Torch Relay began, we've been hearing reports on protests along the route that the torch is taking. We've also read that one of the torch bearers attempted the relay wearing a Tibetan flag but the flag was removed against the torch bearer's wishes and this caused alot of bad flak on the handling of the issue.

For anyone who is reading this, I will make it clear that on this topic of protest during the torch relay, I am not talking about the rights of the Tibetans nor any wrongs China might have done. It's only about the torch relay.

In my personal opinion, I feel that it is not right to utilise the torch relay nor the Olympics for protests of any form. The Olympics is an event to celebrate, for the world to come together and appreciate what the human can achieve and also, even when one does not win, we celebrate the effort made to try.

It is about friendship. It is about respect. It is about coming together amidst any differences that may exist.

I feel that the protests are very unsportsmanlike. Take the case of the torch bearer wearing the Tibetan flag. The torch bearer wasn't being respectful to the Olympic flame.

While they may feel that they are merely expressing their opinion, they may have forgotten that while China is hosting this year's Olympics, Olympics truly belongs to the world. By disrupting the torch relay, or by making it look bad, it does not hurt just China. It hurts anyone who loves the Olympics and what it embodies.

I wish people would just keep sports from politics. So what if they have human rights issues? Resolve that politically, not through sports. I do understand that given the potential economic benefits that can be derived by hosting the Olympics, the Olympics a politically sensitive issue. Let's just say I would like them to be separate, anyway this is my personal opinion.

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