
Thursday, January 11, 2007


Couldn't sleep, so I figured I might as well post something inane while I am at it.

This is a quiz. Please post your answers in the comments section. yes I know they are called 'adorations'. Live with it.

I will post the answer next time I blog. Or when I remember.

You are a Project Manager of a 4 man team. You need to fire 1 person to cut costs. These are the profiles of the 4 members.

A: Smart and Hardworking
B: Smart and Lazy
C: Stupid and Hardworking
D: Stupid and Lazy

Please post who you would fire and why

7 Adorations
may seem like a no brainer but ive actually recommended the termination of a stupid and lazy person before..

next up would be the smart and lazy one.. i hate lazy people.
fire the stupid and hardworking one...
Ok.. and the answer is....

Eggyoke got it right!!

Fire the stupid and hardworking one.


Well, the smart and hardworking one.. this one I don't need to explain.

The smart and lazy one... well he doesn't do much work but when he does, it's good.

The stupid and lazy one. He doesn't do much work but he doesn't screw things over.

The stupid and hardworking one. This one is a killer. He works hard. Yep. So hard , in fact, that he screws things up so that everyone else has to rectify what he messed up. So your smart and hardworking fellow is trying to salvage the mess from this guy.
hello auntie.. i got it correct, got any prize?
Got. Next time I meet you I will call you uncle one time less.
hello.. you dun play play with me okay... I roundhouse kick your head then you know okay...
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