
Monday, November 13, 2006

Are We Turning Into a Welfare State?

PM has announced an increase in GST, from 5% to 7% (read full article here). This hike, as emphasised by PM Lee is " necessary to finance the enhanced social safety nets needed to help the lower income group".

Does this imply that we will eventually turn into a welfare state? If taxes go up and yet the 'offsets' in terms of helping the lower income families is inequitable, then why the increase? If offsets are equitable, wow, I'm really going to have to bend my mind around the notion then we are moving in a semblance of welfare.

Then again, welfarism is pretty subjective. What one deems to be welfarism might be what another thinks to a an entitlement.

IMHO, for Singapore to be a welfare state... hmm... not much chance.

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