
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I love Banking...... Maybe, Maybe Not.

So today I finally decide to get a bit of my banking done. I'm quite pleased with the results actually.. except for the part where I had to find out which branch my ReadyCredit is with. So I called up the bank and asked that question. The CS told me they'd get someone to call me bank on that. I thought that was a simple question.

Anyway I also asked another question. Basically I can no longer log into my Readycredit account online. The Clear Card account is fine, but not the ReadyCredit. I think it has to do with the CitiCard being expired and stuff like that. The CS still said she'd get someone to call me back.

I made that call at about 11 am.

Please check what time I made this post.

5 hours and still I'm not told what branch my account is with. Maybe it's the Antartic branch.

Sometimes we should really stop asking all these tough questions.

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