
Sunday, April 02, 2006

From Robe to Port Fairy (Part 2)

Further on, we get to see a petrified forest. Well, it's not really petrified, it's more of a calcified forest. Calcium was washed up and encased the lower parts of the forest in calcium. When the forest eventually died and decomposed, only the calcium deposits remained.

Calcified remains of a forest

Our stop for the night is at Port Fairy. There was an optional ride to see seals (need to pay) but none of us took it up. We stay at the YHA in Port Fairy tonight. I had a yummy dinner of bread and instant soup. It was really yummy, I'm not joking. I also had some cream cheese but I was a tad lazy to work on that.

I have to say that I've been quite lazy on the trip heh. Not really going out and doing extra stuff. I guess see so many Koalas did have an effect on me. Or maybe I was really meant to be a Koala.

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