
Sunday, April 02, 2006

From Robe to Port Fairy (Part 1)

The second day starts bright and early, we get ready to leave by 0830hrs. Breakfast is provided by the Lodge and it's the standard stuff, bread, cereals and milk. After eating our fill, we start the day.

As the southern cost of Australia is mainly limestone, most of attractions of the trip is to see geological stuff. Rocks, stones and stuff like that. Today is no different, more rock formations and natural scenery. Unfortunately, today is the second cloudy day in an otherwise beautiful trip.

We get to Mt Gambier and there is this absolutely fascinating place called the Umpherstone Cave, which is a sinkhole (that's essentially a giant pothole). Now, what's most interesting about this cave is that it was once used as a midden. Looking at it now, you would not believe it.
Umpherstone Cave - Past Midden, Current Attraction

We also get to see the Blue Lake, however, it was not at it's bluest as that only happens in Summer. The sunlight breaks up the calcium in the lakebed and that causes the blueness. Of course, the cloudy skies does not help any either.

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