
Friday, January 06, 2006

Fund Raising Stunt Shows.

With reference to the Jacelyn Tay outsburst on the Fund raising stunts local artistes have to prform ever so regularly....

I have quit watching these stunt shows long ago. These kind of fund raising shows insult my personal integrity. I will donate money means I will donate money. I do not donate money BECAUSE someone risked his or her life. In fact, I think it is insulting to the person performing the stunt that their life can be put at risk by a $5 donation from me. Their lives are not so cheap. No one's life is so cheap.

I no longer watch these shows as watching these shows means I condone such stunts.

However, I have no bone with Mediacorps in particular. It is after all the Charity themselves who muct agree to such forms of fund raising and persist in doing so. Should the charity disagree to such tactics, I do not think Mediacorps can force such a program on them.

We need another SPCA - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Artistes.

8 Adorations
What you say is absolutely true. The artistes probably get fame or money or some form of compensation in some way or another...

However, they are Artistes working for pay after all... I do not know if they had volunteered.

As for why my main beef is with the charity... like I said, it's the charity that condone such performances. I simply do not appreciate the idea that they think they can only get my money if they ask someone (famous or not) to do some stupid stunt....

I see ya point ya know. Btw, I have not been actively watching these shows for ... uhm... 3 years maybe?
I think people will still donate if the artist just come out to sing or perform. Or maybe do some less dangerous act like magic tricks or something.

There is really no need for such stunts... too dangerous.

If TT durai come out perform eating peanuts, I'll also donate. Really!
to dk: people eat peanut you also donate... /bow
To Mike: Hmm. I on you, but must specify he donate what 'peanut' and we donate what 'peanut'...
Hey.... eating peanuts is also a stunt okie. What if he choke while eating? lol.....
TO dk: Alamak, then we need to activate the paramedics liao... hmm. bad idea.
Why bother getting the medics? let him choke and die on national TV lor.... Like that more pple will donate... :D

(I'm evil)
To whiterknight: Yeah That's why I said such acts should be removed from fund raising shows.

If it were like once in a blue moon, I can still understand... cos attraction mah... but it's STAPLE!!! So what else is new? It's just so sad
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