Thursday, February 24, 2005
Met up with my UM batchboys today. Although there were only 4 of us (Victor, Michael, Raymond and I), I think it's rather cool that we managed to meet up after all this time. Guys! Let's make it a habit ^^
We were supposed to meet at 1800hrs at Orchard, but I was terribly late cos I was in a meeting taht only ended at 2000hrs. Jumped into a cab and arrived at Newton Circle Food Centre by 2045hrs. Heh. Time really passes eh? And for the gazzillionth time, that goatie doesn't suit you Raymond. You have to face it. I know you like the concept, but it's just so............. >.< It's too sparse anyway.
Ah. Panda had a car today so we travelled around in a car, though we were usually quite lost. This led to Panda's wonderful qoute of the year:" Let's follow the taxi, I am sure the taxi will end up on an expressway eventually"
Hmm. That didn't seem to come out quite right. ^^ Oh well.
Raymond's gonna be going to Germany to study Ph.D in Mathematical Biology for 3 years. Please don't ask me what the heck that is. I am just as clueless. He's picking up German in crash courses :) I should be going back to classes too.
Handy German Phrases for everyday emergencies. (According to Silverelf's limited Deutsch)
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Met up with my UM batchboys today. Although there were only 4 of us (Victor, Michael, Raymond and I), I think it's rather cool that we managed to meet up after all this time. Guys! Let's make it a habit ^^
We were supposed to meet at 1800hrs at Orchard, but I was terribly late cos I was in a meeting taht only ended at 2000hrs. Jumped into a cab and arrived at Newton Circle Food Centre by 2045hrs. Heh. Time really passes eh? And for the gazzillionth time, that goatie doesn't suit you Raymond. You have to face it. I know you like the concept, but it's just so............. >.< It's too sparse anyway.
Ah. Panda had a car today so we travelled around in a car, though we were usually quite lost. This led to Panda's wonderful qoute of the year:" Let's follow the taxi, I am sure the taxi will end up on an expressway eventually"
Hmm. That didn't seem to come out quite right. ^^ Oh well.
Raymond's gonna be going to Germany to study Ph.D in Mathematical Biology for 3 years. Please don't ask me what the heck that is. I am just as clueless. He's picking up German in crash courses :) I should be going back to classes too.
Handy German Phrases for everyday emergencies. (According to Silverelf's limited Deutsch)
- Ich bin Ausländer (I am a foreigner -{like DUH? we can certainly tell you ain't local!})
- Ich verstehe Deutsch / Sie nicht (I do not understand German / you)
- Wo ist das Klo? (Where is the washroom?)
- Ich habe hunger / durst (I am hungry / thirsty)
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